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F. Arbab, I. Herman, and G.J. Reynolds. An object model for multimedia programming. Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics'93 Conference Issue), 12(3):C101-C114, September 1993.

F. Arbab, P.J.W. ten Hagen, M. Haindl, F.C. Heeman, I. Herman, G.J. Reynolds, and A. Siebes. Specification of the MADE object model. Technical Report T/OM S1, Version 0.5, Esprit Project 6307 (MADE), March 1993.

G. Blakowski, J. Hübel, and U. Langrehr. Tools for specifying and executing synchronized multimedia presentations. In R. G. Herrtwich, editor, Second International Workshop on Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video, number 614 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 271-282, Heidelberg, 1992. Springer Verlag.

V. Bouthors. Egeria Reference Manual. Bull SA, Paris, version 2.1 edition, August 1992.

D. Carver. X video extension protocol, version 2. Technical report, DEC Technical Report, MIT X11 Contributions, 1991.

W. Clifford, J.I. McConnell, and J. Saltz. The development of PEX. In D.A. Duce and P. Jancène, editors, Eurographics'88 Conference Proceedings, Amsterdam, 1988. North-Holland.

J. Davy. Go: A graphical and interactive C++ toolkit for application data presentation and editing. In Proceedings of the Annual Technical X Conference on the X Window System, January 1991.

N. Guimarães and N. Correia. Specification of the MADE time objects. Technical Report T/TO S0, Esprit Project 6307 (MADE), June 1993.

M. Haindl, I. Herman, and G.J. Reynolds. Presentation scheme - preliminary specification. Technical Report T/PRS S0, Version 0.1, Esprit Project 6307 (MADE), July 1993.

I. Herman, F.C. Heeman, and F. Leygues. Interfacing scripting languages. Technical Report Version 1.3, Esprit Project 6307 (MADE), June 1993.

I. Herman, F.C. Heeman, and G.J. Reynolds. Interaction objects - functional specification. Technical Report T/IAO S1, Version 0.2, Esprit Project 6307 (MADE), June 1993.

T.L.J. Howard, W.T. Hewitt, R.J. Hubbold, and K.M. Wyrwas. A Practical Introduction to PHIGS and PHIGS PLUS. Addison-Wesley, Workingham - Reading, 1991.

Internation Standard Organization. Information Technology - Hypermedia/Time-based Structuring Language (HyTime), ISO/IEC 10744:1992(E), 1992.

International Standard Organization. Information Technology - Coded Representation of Multimedia and Hypermedia Information Objects (MHEG), ISO/IEC CD 13522 edition, June 1993.

International Standard Organization. Presentation Environment for Multi-Media Objects (PREMO); Initial Draft ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 24 WG 6 OME 35, December 1993.

J. Davy (ed.), Paris. MADE 1, ESPRIT III Project 6307, Technical Annex, March 1992.

O. Jojic and J. Davy. C++ API implementation. Technical Report T/OM-C++/P.0, Esprit Project 6307 (MADE), July 1993.

P. Kaplan and A. Baird-Smith. The KEDIT protocol. Technical Report U/PAT/KED/P.0, Esprit Project 6307 (MADE), December 1993.

T.M. Levergood, A.C. Payne, J. Gettys, W. Treese, and L.C.S Steward. AudioFile: A network-transparent system for distributed audio applications. Technical Report CLR 93/8, Digital Equipment Corporation, Cambridge Research Laboratory, Cambridge, MA, June 1993.

H. Lieberman. Using prototypical objects to implement shared behavior in object oriented systems. In Proceedings of the First ACM Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications, pages 214-223, Portland, September 1986. ACM Press.

Microsoft Inc. AVI - Microsoft Technical Note, November 1992.

Microsoft Inc. Users' Guides, Microsoft Visual C++, Development System for Windows, Version 1.0, 1993.

C. Nahaboo. Koala Project, Wool2 Reference Manual, V2.3 Beta3. Groupe Bull, Paris, November 1992.

Object Management Group. The Common Object Request Broker: Architecture and Specification; OMG Document Number 91.12.1, Revision 1.1, 1992.

J.K. Ousterhout. An Introduction to Tcl and Tk. University of California, Berkeley, October 1992.

A. Rizk and L. Sauter. Multicard: An open hypermedia system. In European Conference on Hypertext ECHT'92, Cambridge, 1992. Cambridge University Press.

P.S. Strauss and R. Carey. An object-oriented 3D graphics toolkit. Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH'92), 26(2):341-349, July 1992.

B. Stroustrup. The C++ Programming Language. Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, second edition, 1991.

F. van Dijk and A. Siebes. Specification of the database object. Technical Report T/DBO S1, Version 0.1, Esprit Project 6307 (MADE), June 1993.

J.E.A. van Hintum and G.J. Reynolds. Constraint objects. Technical Report T/COO S0, Version 0.1, Esprit Project 6307 (MADE), June 1993.

G. van Rossum. Python Reference Manual. Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica, Amsterdam, July 1993.

P. Wayner. Inside QuickTime. BYTE, pages 189-197, December 1991.

Tue Jan 25 14:21:49 MET 1994