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Monomedia Editors

The role of monomedia editors is relatively straightforward: they offer means for the creation, modification, and also for the display of media objects. There is nothing particularly unusual or new in these utilities, except that they all abide to the architectural demands for MADE editors, as described above. Note that these editors make use of the visual metaphors described in §4.1.1 to give a unified outlook.

MADE editor objects may be used in various application settings. This includes being activated alongside with other MADE objects, eg, other editors. In this case, editor objects may be active objects, and the mechanism provided by the MADE object model will ensure that data managed by several editors will not be corrupted by concurrent access. Editors may also be wrapped up into separate application programs to run as stand-alone processes. In this case, editors may operate on MADE objects residing in a database or they can manage objects received via a communication channel using, eg, the KEDIT protocol (see §2).

The 2D graphics editor is based on an existing program, called godraw (related to GoPATH, mentioned earlier). The facilities supported by this editor are relatively straightforward, and are in line with other 2D graphics editors, available for different platforms.

The 3D graphics editor emphasizes two aspects of 3D editing: editing of scenes by composing 3D objects in space, and simple 3D solid modelling to create 3D bodies. It includes dialogues to control attributes like texture, colour, reflectance, opacity, etc.

The audio editor offers facilities to ``cut'' and ``paste'' audio tracks, apply (possibly user-specified) filters on the sound tracks, and modify their characteristics. A MIDI editor will also be available.

The video editor offers similar facilities that of the audio editor: ``cut'' and ``paste'' of video sequences, modification of its characteristics (if the underlying hardware permits it), retrieve and frames as images, etc.

A separate animation editor is also provided, which allows for the interactive creation and editing of animation curves, and animation scripts.

Note that, under MS-WINDOWS, Microsoft's Multimedia Environment already contains some multimedia editors; to avoid duplication, these editors will be reused as much as possible.

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Tue Jan 25 14:21:49 MET 1994