Ivan Herman—Publications

Publication Categories

The complete list of the 118 entries, with more details, is also available in JSON and BiBTeX formats.

Conference Papers

  1. “Bridging the Web and Digital Publishing”; Ivan Herman and Markus Gylling. In: “Books in Browsers V Proceedings”, Peter Bantley (Eds). The Journal of Electronic Publishing, (2015). An online version is also available.
  2. “Epiphany : Adaptable RDFa Generation Linking the Web of Documents to the Web of Data”; Benjamin Adrian, Jörn Hees, Ivan Herman, Michael Sintek, and Andreas Dengel. In: “Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management by the Masses (EKAW 2010)”, Sofia Pinto and Philipp Cimiano (Eds). Springer-Verlag, (2010). An online version is also available.
  3. “XSLT+SPARQL : Scripting the Semantic Web with SPARQL embedded into XSLT stylesheets”; Diego Berrueta, José E. Labra, and Ivan Herman. In: “4th Workshop on Scripting for the Semantic Web”, Tom Heath, Sören Auer, Gunnar Aastrand Grimmes, and Chris Bizer (Eds). (2008). An online version is also available.
  4. “Szemantikus Web: egy rövid bevezetés”; Ivan Herman. In: “Magyarországi Web Konferencia”, Gábor Hojtsy (Eds). (2006). An online version is also available.
  5. “Density Functions for Visual Attributes and Effective Partitioning in Graph Visualization”; Ivan Herman, M. Scott Marshall, and Guy Melançon. In: “IEEE Information Visualization Symposium”, S. F. Roth and D. A. Keim (Eds). IEEE CS Press, (2000). An online version is also available.
  6. “GraphXML - a graph description language”; M. Scott Marshall and Ivan Herman. In: “Graph Drawing - 8th International Symposium, GD 2000, Colonial Williamsburg, VA, USA”, J. Marks (Eds). Springer-Verlag, (2000). An online version is also available.
  7. “DAG drawing from an information visualization perspective”; Guy Melançon and Ivan Herman. In: “Proceedings of the Joint Eurographics IEEE TCVG Symposium on Visualization”, Robert van Liere and Wim De Leeuw (Eds). Springer-Verlag, (2000). An online version is also available.
  8. “Skeletal Images as Visual Cues in Graph Visualization”; Ivan Herman, M. Scott Marshall, Guy Melançon, David J. Duke, Maylis Delest, and Jean-Philippe Domenger. In: “Proceedings of the Joint Eurographics IEEE TCVG Symposium on Visualization”, W. Ribarsky, H. Löffelmann, and E. Gröller (Eds). Springer-Verlag, (1999). An online version is also available.
  9. “Latour – a tree visualisation system”; Ivan Herman, Guy Melançon, Maurice M. de Ruiter, and Maylis Delest. In: “Graph Drawing - 7th International Symposium, GD 1999, Stirin Castle, Czech Republic”, J. Kratochvil (Eds). Springer-Verlag, (1999). An online version is also available.
  10. “Indices visuels et métriques combinatoires pour la visualisation de données hiérarchiques”; Guy Melançon, Ivan Herman, and Maylis Delest. In: “Onzièmes journées sur l'ingénierie de l'Interaction Homme-Machine”, J. Nanard and P. Girard (Eds). Cépadues-Editions, (1999). An online version is also available.
  11. “A Standard for Multimedia Middleware”; David J. Duke and Ivan Herman. In: “Proceedings of the 6th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM'98)”, W. Effelsberg and B. C. Smith (Eds). ACM Press, (1998). An online version is also available.
  12. “Plugging graphics into distributed multimedia”; David J. Duke and Ivan Herman. In: “Eurographics UK'98 Proceedings”, Ken W. Brodlie (Eds). (1998). An online version is also available.
  13. “Specifying the PREMO Synchronization Objects”; David J. Duke, David A. Duce, Ivan Herman, and Giorgio Faconti. In: “Proceedings of the 4th Eurographics Workshop on Design, Specification, and Verification of Interactive Systems”, Springer-Verlag, (1997). An online version is also available.
  14. “MADE: an Environment for Object-oriented Multimedia Support”; Jacques Davy, Ivan Herman, and Graham J. Reynolds. In: “Proc. of Multimédia et Normalisation de la Télématique à la Télévision Numérique”, (1994).
  15. “Interaction Objects in the MADE Multimedia Environment”; Frans C. Heeman, Ivan Herman, and Graham J. Reynolds. In: “Proceedings of the 1st Eurographics Symposium on Multimedia”, F. Kappe and W. Herzner (Eds). Springer-Verlag, (1994). An online version is also available.
  16. “Premo: An ISO Standard for a Presentation Environment for Multimedia Objects”; Ivan Herman, George S. Carson, Jacques Davy, Paul J.W. ten Hagen, David A. Duce, Terrence W. Hewitt, Klaus Kansy, Barbara J. Lurvey, Richard Puk, Graham J. Reynolds, and Horst Stenzel. In: “Proceedings of the Second ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM'94)”, D. Ferrari (Eds). ACM Press, (1994).
  17. “MADE: A Multimedia Application development environment”; Ivan Herman, Graham J. Reynolds, and Jacques Davy. In: “Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems”, L. A. Belady, S. M. Stevens, and R. Steinmetz (Eds). IEEE CS Press, (1994). An online version is also available.
  18. “The Skeleton of a Computing Farm in Manifold”; Farhad Arbab, Ivan Herman, and Per Spilling. In: “Proceedings of the 26th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences (HICSS—26), Volume II”, H. El-Rewini, B. D. Schriver, and T. Lewis (Eds). IEEE CS Press, (1993).
  19. “Interaction Management of a Window Manager in Manifold”; Farhad Arbab, Ivan Herman, and Per Spilling. In: “Proceedings of the 4th International Conference Computing and Interaction (ICCI'92)”, A. A. Toptsis, W. W. Koczkodaj, and P. E. Lauer (Eds). IEEE CS Press, (1992).
  20. “Manifold: Concepts and Implementation”; Farhad Arbab, Ivan Herman, and Per Spilling. In: “CONPAR 92 & VAPP V: Second Joint International Conference on Vector and Parallel Processing Lyon, France”, M. Cosnard, D. Trystram, and undefined Bougé (Eds). Springer-Verlag, (1992).
  21. “Manifold: A Language for Specification of Inter-Process Communication”; Farhad Arbab and Ivan Herman. In: “Proceedings of the EurOpen Autumn Conference, Budapest, Hungary”, A. Findlay (Eds). (1991).
  22. “GraphML Progress Report, Structural Layer Proposal”; Ulrik Brandes, Markus Eiglsperger, Ivan Herman, Michael Himsolt, and M. Scott Marshall. In: “Graph Drawing - 8th International Symposium, GD 2000, Colonial Williamsburg, VA, USA”, S. Leipert, P. Mutzel, and M. Junger (Eds). Springer-Verlag, (1991). An online version is also available.
  23. “2.5D Graphics Systems”; Ivan Herman. In: “Eurographics'89 Conference Proceedings, Hamburg”, F. R. A. Hopgood, W. Hansmann, and W. Straßer (Eds). North-Holland, (1989).
  24. “A Means to Improve the GKS-3D/PHIGS Output Pipeline Implementation”; Ivan Herman and János Reviczky. In: “Eurographics'87 Conference Proceedings, Amsterdam”, G. Maréchal (Eds). North-Holland, (1988).
  25. “GKS — A Useless Standard?”; Ivan Herman and János Reviczky. In: “Proceedings of the GKS Review Workshop”, W. T. Hewitt (Eds). Eurographics Association, (1987).
  26. “A Concept for a GKS Machine”; Ivan Herman, János Reviczky, and Tibor Tolnay-Knefély. In: “Eurographics'85 Conference Proceedings, Nice”, C. E. Vandoni (Eds). North-Holland, (1985).
  27. “XGKS - A Multitask Implementation of GKS”; Ivan Herman, Tibor Tolnay-Knefély, and Árpád Vincze. In: “Eurographics'83 Conference Proceedings, Zagreb”, Paul J.W. ten Hagen (Eds). North-Holland, (1983).

Journal Articles

  1. “Achieving human and machine accessibility of cited data in scholarly publications”; Joan Starr, Eleni Castro, Mercè Crosas, Michel Dumontier, Robert R. Downs, Ruth Duerr, Haak Laurel, Melissa Haendel, Ivan Herman, Simon Hodson, Joe Hourclé, John Ernest Kratz, Jennifer Lin, Lars Holm Nielsen, Amy Nurnberger, Stefan Pröll, Andreas Rauber, Simone Sacchi, Arthur P. Smith, Michael Taylor, and Tim Clark. PeerJ Computer Science, (2015). An online version is also available.
  2. “Improving The Future of Research Communications and e-Scholarship (Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshop 11331)”; Phil Bourne, Tim Clark, Robert Dale, Anita de Waard, Ivan Herman, Eduard Hovy, and David Shotton. Dagstuhl Manifestos (1), (2012). An online version is also available.
  3. “Improving Future Research Communication and e-Scholarship: A Summary of Findings”; Phil Bourne, Tim Clark, Robert Dale, Anita de Waard, Ivan Herman, Eduard Hovy, and David Shotton. Informatik Spektrum (35), (2012).
  4. “The Future of Research Communications”; Tim Clark, Anita de Waard, Ivan Herman, and Eduard Hovy. Daghstuhl Reports (1), (2011). An online version is also available.
  5. “Le Web sémantique”; Alexandre Bertails, Ivan Herman, and Sandro Hawke. Réalités Industrielles (), (2010). An online version is also available.
  6. “The Semantic Web in Action”; Lee Feigenbaum, Ivan Herman, Tonya Hongsermeier, Eric Neumann, and Susie Stephens. Scientific American (297), (2007). An online version is also available.
  7. “Advancing translational research with the Semantic Web”; Alan Ruttenberg, Tim Clark, William Bug, Matthias Samwald, Olivier Bodenreider, Helen Chen, Donald Doherty, Kerstin Forsberg, Yong Gao, Vipul Kashyap, June Kinoshita, Joanne Luciano, M. Scott Marshall, Chimezie Ogbuji, Jonathan Rees, Susie Stephens, Gwendolyn T. Wong, Elisabeth Wu, Davide Zaccagnini, Tonya Hongsermeier, Eric Neumann, Ivan Herman, and Kei-Hoi Cheung. BMC Bioinformatics (8), (2007). An online version is also available.
  8. “Do you see what I Mean?”; Ken W. Brodlie, David J. Duke, David A. Duce, and Ivan Herman. IEEE Computer Graphics & Application (25), (2005). An online version is also available.
  9. “Web 2D Graphics: State-of-the-Art”; David A. Duce, Frank R.A. Hopgood, and Ivan Herman. Computer Graphics Forum (21), (2002). An online version is also available.
  10. “SVG Linearization”; Ivan Herman and Daniel Dardailler. Computer Graphics Forum (21), (2002). An online version is also available.
  11. “Minimal Graphics”; David J. Duke and Ivan Herman. IEEE Computer Graphics & Application (21), (2001). An online version is also available.
  12. “An object-oriented design for graph visualization”; M. Scott Marshall and Ivan Herman. Software — Practice & Experience (31), (2001). An online version is also available.
  13. “Graph visualization in information visualization: a survey”; Ivan Herman, Guy Melançon, and M. Scott Marshall. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (6), (2000). An online version is also available.
  14. “The changing face of standardization: a place for formal methods?”; David J. Duke, David A. Duce, Giorgio Faconti, and Ivan Herman. Formal Aspects of Computing (11), (1999). An online version is also available.
  15. “A Standard Model for Multimedia Synchronization: PREMO Synchronization Objects”; Ivan Herman, Nuno Correia, David A. Duce, David J. Duke, Graham J. Reynolds, and Jim Van Loo. Multimedia Systems (6), (1998). An online version is also available.
  16. “Tree Visualisation and Navigation Clues for Information Visualisation”; Ivan Herman, Maylis Delest, and Guy Melançon. Computer Graphics Forum (17), (1998). An online version is also available.
  17. “Relating the primitive hierarchy of the PREMO standard to the Standard Reference Model for Intelligent Multimedia Presentation Systems”; David J. Duke, Ivan Herman, Thomas Rist, and Michael Wilson. Computer Standards & Interfaces (18), (1997). An online version is also available.
  18. “The Open Inventor Toolkit and the PREMO Standard”; Dejuan Wang, Ivan Herman, and Graham J. Reynolds. Computer Graphics Forum (16), (1997).
  19. “PREMO: An emerging standard for multimedia. Part I: Overview and Framework”; Ivan Herman, Graham J. Reynolds, and Jim Van Loo. IEEE MultiMedia (3), (1996).
  20. “PREMO: An emerging standard for multimedia. Part II: Specification and Applications”; Ivan Herman, Graham J. Reynolds, and Jim Van Loo. IEEE MultiMedia (3), (1996).
  21. “Formal Methods in the Development of PREMO”; David J. Duke, David A. Duce, Ivan Herman, Paul J.W. ten Hagen, and Graham J. Reynolds. Computer Standards & Interfaces (16), (1995). An online version is also available.
  22. “Manifold”; Farhad Arbab and Ivan Herman. Future Generation Computer Systems (10), (1994).
  23. “MADE: A Multimedia application development environment”; Ivan Herman, Graham J. Reynolds, and Jacques Davy. CWI Quarterly (7), (1994).
  24. “An Object Model for Multimedia Programming”; Farhad Arbab, Ivan Herman, and Graham J. Reynolds. Computer Graphics Forum (12), (1993).
  25. “An Overview of Manifold and its Implementation”; Farhad Arbab, Ivan Herman, and Per Spilling. Concurrency: Practice and Experience (5), (1993).
  26. “A Processor Farm Example in Manifold”; Ivan Herman and Farhad Arbab. CWI Quarterly (5), (1992).
  27. “The GKS Input Model in Manifold”; Dirk Soede, Farhad Arbab, Ivan Herman, and Paul J.W. ten Hagen. Computer Graphics Forum (10), (1991).
  28. “Modelling Clip: Some More Results”; Joseph Hübl and Ivan Herman. Computer Graphics Forum (9), (1990).
  29. “A Dataflow Graphics Workstation”; Paul J.W. ten Hagen, Ivan Herman, and Jan R.G. de Vries. Computers & Graphics (14), (1990).
  30. “On the Projective Representation of Conics in Computer Graphics”; Ivan Herman. Computer Graphics Forum (8), (1989).
  31. “A Means to Improve the GKS-3D/PHIGS Output Pipeline Implementation”; Ivan Herman and János Reviczky. Computers & Graphics (12), (1988).
  32. “Some Remarks on the Modelling Clip Problem”; Ivan Herman and János Reviczky. Computer Graphics Forum (7), (1988).
  33. “Three Dimensional Graphics Standards and CGI”; Ivan Herman, János Reviczky, Tibor Tolnay-Knefély, and Franz L. Westhoff. Computers & Graphics (12), (1988).
  34. “New Methods for Improving the GKS Fill Area Output Primitive”; Ivan Herman and János Reviczky. Computer Graphics Forum (6), (1987).
  35. “A Concept for a GKS Machine”; Ivan Herman, János Reviczky, and Tibor Tolnay-Knefély. Computers & Graphics (10), (1986).
  36. “A General Device Driver for GKS”; Ivan Herman and János Reviczky. Computer Graphics Forum (4), (1985).
  37. “A Számítógépes Grafika Első Nemzetközi Szabványa: a GKS”; Ivan Herman and János Szél. Információ és Elektronika (20), (1985).
  38. “Managing Context-frames through GKS”; Ivan Herman. Computer Graphics Forum (3), (1984).
  39. “XGKS - A Multitask Implementation of GKS”; Ivan Herman, Tibor Tolnay-Knefély, and Árpád Vincze. Computers & Graphics (8), (1984).
  40. “A Parser Generator for Interactive Command Languages”; Ivan Herman. Computer Graphics Forum (1), (1982).
  41. “A Hamiltonian Defined on L2(SO(3),λ)”; Ivan Herman. Acta Mathematica Academiæ Scientarioum Hungarica (31), (1981).

Book Chapters

  1. “Semantic Annotation and Retrieval: Web of Hypertext – RDFa and Microformats”; Ben Adida, Mark Birbeck, and Ivan Herman. In: “Handbook of Semantic Web Technologies”, John Domingue, Dieter Fensel, and James A. Hendler (Eds). Springer-Verlag, (2011). An online version is also available.
  2. “An Ontology-based Approach for Data Integration - An Application in Biomedical Research”; Vipul Kashyap, Kei-Hoi Cheung, Matthias Samwald, Donald Doherty, M. Scott Marshall, Joanne Luciano, Susie Stephens, Ivan Herman, and Raymond Hookway. In: “Real-world Applications of Semantic Web Technology and Ontologies”, Miltiadis D. Lytras, Martin Hepp, and Jorge Cardoso (Eds). Springer-Verlag, (2008).
  3. “Projective Geometry and Computer Graphics”; Ivan Herman. In: “Advances in Computer Graphics IV”, M. Roch, W. T. Hewitt, and M. Grave (Eds). Springer-Verlag, (1992).


  1. “WWW '22: Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2022”; Frédérique Laforest, Raphaël Troncy, Deepak Agarwal, Aristides Gionis, Elena Simperl, Ivan Herman, and Lionel Médini (Eds). Association for Computing Machinery, (2022). An online version is also available.
  2. “Conference Proceedings, 9th International World Wide Web Conference”; Dick Bulterman, Ivan Herman, and Albert Vezza (Eds). Elsevier Science, (2000).
  3. “PREMO: a framework for multimedia middleware : specification, rationale, and Java binding”; David J. Duke, Ivan Herman, and M. Scott Marshall. Springer-Verlag, (1999). An online version is also available.
  4. “Computer Graphics and Mathematics”; Bianca Falcidieno, Ivan Herman, and Caterina Pienovi (Eds). Springer-Verlag, (1992).
  5. “The Use of Projective Geometry in Computer Graphics”; Ivan Herman. Springer-Verlag, (1992). An online version is also available.
  6. “Advances in Computer Graphics VI”; Gerard Garcia and Ivan Herman (Eds). Springer-Verlag, (1991).
  7. “GKS — Theory and Practice”; Ivan Herman and Peter Bono (Eds). Springer-Verlag, (1988).

PhD Thesis

  1. “The use of projective geometry in computer graphics”; Ivan Herman. University of Leiden, (1989).

Standardization Documents

  1. “Verifiable Credentials Data Model v2.0”; Manu Sporny, Ted Thibodeau Jr., Ivan Herman, Michael B. Jones, and Gabe Cohen (Eds). World Wide Web Consortium, (2024). An online version is also available.
  2. “Verifiable Credentials Overview”; Ivan Herman (Eds). World Wide Web Consortium, (2024). An online version is also available.
  3. “EPUB 3 Overview”; Matt Garrish and Ivan Herman (Eds). World Wide Web Consortium, (2023). An online version is also available.
  4. “EPUB Reading Systems 3.3”; Matt Garrish and Ivan Herman (Eds). World Wide Web Consortium, (2023). An online version is also available.
  5. “EPUB 3.3”; Matt Garrish and Ivan Herman (Eds). World Wide Web Consortium, (2023). An online version is also available.
  6. “Publication Manifest”; Matt Garrish and Ivan Herman (Eds). World Wide Web Consortium, (2020). An online version is also available.
  7. “Web Annotation Extensions for Web Publications”; Timothy W. Cole and Ivan Herman (Eds). World Wide Web Consortium, (2020). An online version is also available.
  8. “Web Publications”; Matt Garrish and Ivan Herman (Eds). World Wide Web Consortium, (2019). An online version is also available.
  9. “Web Publications for the Open Web Platform: Vision And Technical Challenges”; Markus Gylling, Ben De Meester, Ivan Herman, Tzviya Siegman, Dave Cramer, and Leonard Rosenthol. World Wide Web Consortium, (2017). An online version is also available.
  10. “Web Publications Use Cases and Requirements”; Heather Flanagan, Ivan Herman, and Leonard Rosenthol (Eds). World Wide Web Consortium, (2017). An online version is also available.
  11. “Selectors and States”; Ivan Herman, Robert Sanderson, Paolo Ciccarese, and Benjamin Young (Eds). World Wide Web Consortium, (2017). An online version is also available.
  12. “Embedding Web Annotations in HTML”; Timothy W Cole, Sarven Capadisli, Benjamin Young, and Ivan Herman (Eds). World Wide Web Consortium, (2017). An online version is also available.
  13. “Generating JSON from Tabular Data on the Web”; Jeremy Tandy and Ivan Herman (Eds). World Wide Web Consortium, (2015). An online version is also available.
  14. “Generating RDF from Tabular Data on the Web”; Jeremy Tandy, Ivan Herman, and Gregg Kellog (Eds). World Wide Web Consortium, (2015). An online version is also available.
  15. “Metadata Vocabulary for Tabular Data”; Rufus Pollock, Teni Jennison, Gregg Kellog, and Ivan Herman (Eds). World Wide Web Consortium, (2015). An online version is also available.
  16. “Model for Tabular Data and Metadata on the Web”; Teni Jennison, Gregg Kellog, and Ivan Herman (Eds). World Wide Web Consortium, (2015). An online version is also available.
  17. “DPUB IG Metadata Task Force Report”; Bill Kasdorf, Madi Solomon, and Ivan Herman. World Wide Web Consortium, (2015). An online version is also available.
  18. “HTML+RDFa 1.1 - Second Edition”; Manu Sporny, Shane McCarron, Ben Adida, Mark Birbeck, Gregg Kellog, Ivan Herman, and Steven Pemberton (Eds). World Wide Web Consortium, (2015). An online version is also available.
  19. “RDFa 1.1 Core — Third Edition”; Ben Adida, Mark Birbeck, Shane McCarron, and Ivan Herman (Eds). World Wide Web Consortium, (2015). An online version is also available.
  20. “RDFa 1.1 Primer — Third Edition”; Ben Adida, Ivan Herman, Manu Sporny, and Mark Birbeck (Eds). World Wide Web Consortium, (2015). An online version is also available.
  21. “Microdata to RDF - Second Edition”; Ian Hickson, Gregg Kellogg, Jeni Tennison, and Ivan Herman (Eds). World Wide Web Consortium, World Wide Web Consortium, (2014). An online version is also available.
  22. “RDF API—A high-level API for working with RDF data”; Nathan Rixham, Manu Sporny, Mark Birbeck, Ivan Herman, and Benjamin Adrian (Eds). World Wide Web Consortium, (2012). An online version is also available.
  23. “OWL 2 Web Ontology Language: Document Overview”; Jie Bao, Diego Calvanese, Bernardo Cuenca Grau, Martin Dzbor, Achille Fokoue, Christine Golbreich, Sandro Hawke, Ivan Herman, Rinke Hoekstra, Ian Horrocks, Elisa Kendall, Markus Krötzsch, Carsten Lutz, Deborah L McGuinness, Boris Motik, Jeff Pan, Bijan Parsia, Peter F. Patel-Schneider, Alan Ruttenberg, Ulrike Sattler, Michael Schneider, Mike Smith, Evan Wallace, Zhe Wu, and Antoine Zimmermann (Eds). World Wide Web Consortium, (2009). An online version is also available.
  24. “OWL 2 Web Ontology Language: RDF-Based Semantics”; Michael Schneider, Jeremy Carroll, Ivan Herman, and Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Eds). World Wide Web Consortium, (2009). An online version is also available.
  25. “Information Technology — Computer Graphics and Image Processing — Presentation Environments for Multimedia Objects (PREMO), Part 1: Fundamentals of PREMO, ISO/IEC 14478–1:1998”; David J. Duke and Ivan Herman (Eds). International Standardization Organization (ISO), (1998). An online version is also available.
  26. “Information Technology — Computer Graphics and Image Processing — Presentation Environments for Multimedia Objects (PREMO), Part 2: Foundation Component, ISO/IEC 14478–2:1998”; David J. Duke and Ivan Herman (Eds). International Standardization Organization (ISO), (1998). An online version is also available.
  27. “Information Technology — Computer Graphics and Image Processing — Presentation Environments for Multimedia Objects (PREMO), Part 4: Modelling, Rendering, and Interaction Component, ISO/IEC 14478–4:1998”; David J. Duke, Terrence W. Hewitt, and Ivan Herman (Eds). International Standardization Organization (ISO), (1998). An online version is also available.
  28. “Information Technology — Computer Graphics and Image Processing — Presentation Environments for Multimedia Objects (PREMO), Part 3: Multimedia Systems Services, ISO/IEC 14478–3:1998”; David J. Duke, Jim Van Loo, and Ivan Herman (Eds). International Standardization Organization (ISO), (1998). An online version is also available.

Technical Reports

  1. “Improving Future Research Communication and e-Scholarship—A White Paper”; Phil Bourne, Tim Clark, Robert Dale, Anita de Waard, Ivan Herman, Eduard Hovy, and David Shotton. Force11, (2011). An online version is also available.
  2. “Automatic generation of interactive overview diagrams for the navigation of large graphs”; Ivan Herman, M. Scott Marshall, and Guy Melançon. Center for Mathematics and Computer Sciences (CWI), (2000). An online version is also available.
  3. “PREMO: A Standard for Multimedia Middleware”; David J. Duke and Ivan Herman. Eurographics Association, (1998).
  4. “Circular Drawings of Rooted Trees”; Guy Melançon and Ivan Herman. Centre for Mathematics and Computer Sciences (CWI), (1998). An online version is also available.
  5. “PREMO: a Case Study in Formal Methods and Multimedia System Specification”; David J. Duke, David A. Duce, Giorgio Faconti, Ivan Herman, and Mike Massink. Centre for Mathematics and Computer Sciences (CWI), (1997). An online version is also available.
  6. “Formal Specification of Manifold: a Preliminary Study”; Eric P.B.M. Rutten, Farhad Arbab, and Ivan Herman. Center for Mathematics and Computer Sciences (CWI), (1992).


  1. “RDF Dataset Canonicalization (RDFC 1.0) Implementation in Typescript”; Ivan Herman. W3C, (2024). An online version is also available.
  2. “Proof-of-concept implementation of Aidan Hogan's RDF canonicalization algorithm in node.js”; Ivan Herman. W3C, (2019). An online version is also available.
  3. “pymicrodata: Extracting RDF from HTML+microdata”; Ivan Herman. W3C, (2014). An online version is also available.
  4. “pyrdfa3: RDFa 1.1 extractor software for HTML5 and XML”; Ivan Herman. W3C, (2014). An online version is also available.
  5. “OWL-RL: A simple OWL2 RL reasoner on top of RDFLib”; Ivan Herman. W3C, (2014). An online version is also available.